101: International Office Insight #7

In recent years, economic transactions are carried out through electronic or online or cashless. As a result, it has brought down usage of cash transactions in the economy. Digital transactions have the features of speed, less cost, and comfort. A well functioning digital payment system has much relevance on overall economic activity, monetary policy and financial stability of a country.

Date: Saturday, September 5, 2020
Time: 3 PM - 5 PM GMT+7 (Jakarta Time)
Online Platform: Microsoft Teams http://bit.ly/101WebinarDPEG 

Please register yourself at: http://bit.ly/101DPEG 

Our speakers are:
1. Dr. Roberto Akyuwen (Senior Executive Analyst for Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervisor IV, Otoritas Jasa keuangan)
2. Dr. Wilson Rajagukguk (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Universitas Kristen Indonesia)
3. Clint Willfred Tetelepta, MBA (Global Entrepreneur, Lecturer at UPH and RMIT(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Australia, Joint Program)

Moderator: Dr. Lis Sintha (Lecturer of Banking and Finance Faculty of Vocational Studies Universitas Kristen Indonesia)

For more information please contact +6281210903930


https://feb.uki.ac.id/js/ http://sirika.bkkbn.go.id/images/ https://fateta.ilearn.unand.ac.id/pix/ https://satudata.kemenpora.go.id/uploads/terbaru/ https://sipdesa.karanganyarkab.go.id/ttd/ https://sentraki.polimarin.ac.id/public/js/ http://pmb.uij.ac.id/wp-content/produk/hari-ini/ https://fkip.unsulbar.ac.id/wp-includes/js/sdana/