International TESOL Conference UKI 70



In celebrating 70th anniversary of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (Christian University of Indonesia), we are delighted to extend our formal invitation to you for the International TESOL Conference UKI 70 centered around the theme "Collaboration and Innovation in English Language and Literature Teaching." The conference will be held from November 15 to November 17, 2023, at the Grha William Soeryadjaya Hall, located on the Cawang Campus of Universitas Kristen Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia.

This prestigious event is a hybrid conference, organized by English Scholars Beyond Borders (ESBB) in collaboration with the Faculty of Letters and Languages, Universitas Kristen Indonesia. The synergy of diverse perspectives and experiences at this conference promises to create a platform for meaningful knowledge exchange and professional networking.


The conference brings together TESOL professionals from around the world to explore an inclusive and insightful range of inter and multidisciplinary themes related to pedagogy, materials, research, networking, and professional development. As a leading figure in the field of English language and literature teaching, your presence at this conference would greatly enrich our discourse and contribute to fostering global collaboration and innovation in the educational sphere.

We are also excited to announce a Call for Papers and we welcome abstract submissions through the following link: You can find the sub-themes of the paper in the poster we attached.

Important Dates:
1. Open Registration and Abstract Submission: July 7, 2023
2. Close Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: October 15, 2023
3. Conference Days: November 15-16, 2023
4. Indonesian Cultural Day: November 17, 2023
5. Full Paper Submission Deadline: December 18, 2023


The conference fees and detailed information can be found in the attached poster. We are pleased to announce that abstract submission is free of charge, encouraging scholars and educators like yourself to actively participate in this event.

To register for the conference, kindly follow the link provided:

For further details about the International TESOL Conference UKI 70, please visit our official website:

In addition, you can find more information about the conference from the International Office UKI's post on Instagram: International TESOL Conference UKI 70


We sincerely hope you will consider joining us for this remarkable gathering of scholars and educators from around the globe. Your expertise and insights would undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the success of the International TESOL Conference UKI 70. 

Should you have any queries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at +62 821-1079-5903 (Benedicta Stella Fortunae) or email at [email protected]
